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How To Organize Your Bathroom

In spite of being one of the smallest rooms in the home, the bathroom is often filled to the brim with toiletries, towels and an array of other items. When small rooms are the holding area for so many necessities, clutter is almost inevitable. Or is it?

With a little bit of inspiration and ingenuity, you can flush the chaos right out of your bathroom. Ready for some bathroom organization ideas?

Toss Out Old Toiletries

Before any organizational endeavor, you need a good purge. Take everything out of your cabinets and drawers and place them in a laundry basket or on a large towel. Next go through and get rid of the garbage. This includes:
  • Half-empty boxes and bottles
  • Expired beauty products that you’ve been saving but will honestly never use again
  • Stretched out hair ties and bent bobby pins
  • Expired medications (Follow the U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s disposal guidelines)
  • Cardboard toilet paper tubes and any other trash or recyclables
  • All the other bizarre things that somehow wind up in bathrooms, yet serve no purpose
Now you’re ready for some space-saving bathroom organization ideas.

Divide and Conquer

Digging through bathroom drawers is inefficient and often just makes a mess. End that problem by investing in drawer dividers so you can keep everything from nail clippers and tweezers to hair ties and toothpaste in a designated place.

Tip: Don’t break the bank on these. Hit your local dollar store and pick up some inexpensive silverware dividers.

Make Use of Mason Jars

Mason jars were functional way before they were trendy. Fortunately, their usefulness extends well outside the kitchen. Wondering how these jelly jars can make a difference in terms of bathroom storage? First, remember they come in many shapes and sizes. Now take a look at the things you can contain in them:
  • Cotton balls and swabs
  • Hair ties, brushes and bobby pins
  • Toothbrushes and toothpaste
  • Glasses
  • Razors
  • Makeup brushes
Bathroom storage bonus points if you fasten your jars to a distressed piece of wood with hose clamps and hang that from your wall. Shabby chic and practical…what’s not to like?

Reclaim Your Cabinets

Under-the-sink cabinets can become an unnavigable mess if you don’t properly corral your items. Use your space wisely by investing in small storage bins or drawers if they’ll fit. Keep your most used items — like flatirons or blow dryers — towards the front and store things you won’t need as often, such as backup tissue boxes or spare shampoos, in the back.

How about those cabinet doors? Install a spice rack on the inside and you’ve got a handy holder for hairbrushes, body lotions, multivitamins, bandages or whatever bathroom item you need nearby on a daily basis.

As for the outside of your cabinets, consider hanging a metal magazine rack from one side. It makes the perfect receptacle for electric shavers, curling irons or blow dryers. (Just make sure irons and dryers are cool before storing them.)

Take Advantage of Wide Open Walls

Shelves are game changers in the kitchen or pantry, and the same holds true when it comes to bathroom organization ideas. Add a few floating shelves to hold bathroom storage items (some Mason jars, perhaps?) and to create more room for spare rolls of toilet paper, your lipstick collection, makeup, shaving cream…the possibilities are endless.

Don’t want to install hardware? You don’t have to. Get a wire over-the-toilet shelf so you can make the most of that vertical real estate. Additionally, buy an over-the-door coat rack to create extra hanging space for towels, bathrobes and pajamas. A shoe rack also works nicely on the back of the bathroom door, and you can use it to store hairbrushes, lotion, makeup brushes and more.

Seize Your Shower Space

When you’re thinking about how to organize your bathroom, you don’t want to forget the shower. After all, those shampoos and body washes can pile up. But they don’t have to if you employ the following bathroom storage ideas:
  • Use a shower caddy to keep shampoos, face wash, soap, body wash and loofahs in order.
  • Invest in a shower curtain with pockets for all your various bath time needs.
  • Hang a mesh bag for the kiddos’ toys from the shower wall using a suction cup or adhesive hook.
Knowing how to organize your bathroom not only makes that post-workout shower more relaxing, it makes your bathroom easier to clean. Need to make sure you’re cleaning the bathroom properly? Check out the Merry Maids bathroom cleaning checklist so you can scour that shower like a professional.