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Holiday Cleaning Services in Edison, NJ

Professional House Cleaning Services with Merry Maids

The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration. From Thanksgiving dinner with extended family to decking the halls with festive décor and wrapping presents for loved ones, this time of year is filled with plenty of reasons to smile.

However, with all the hustle and bustle comes a great deal of stress, especially when preparing your home for the holidays. If you are worried about cleaning during the holidays, you’ve come to the right place. Merry Maids of Central New Jersey is here to help you make your home sparkle and shine, leaving you more time to enjoy the company of those you love.

With our holiday cleaning services, you can ensure your home is ready for all the upcoming festivities. Our experienced cleaning specialists will dust, scrub, and polish your counters and cabinets, leaving you with a home that shines. Our team will declutter shared spaces, such as the living room, to create an inviting atmosphere for your guests. We’ll also tidy up living rooms and bedrooms so that everything is in its place, allowing you to focus on making memories with your family and friends.

Preparatory Cleaning for Putting Up Holiday Decorations

One of the best ways to capture the holiday spirit is with holiday décor. Before you pull out the garlands and ornaments, it’s important to ensure your home is spotlessly clean. That’s where Merry Maids of Central New Jersey comes into the picture. We’ll wash your windows, leaving them sparkling and ready to catch the light of your twinkling holiday lights. Our team will also help you eliminate dust or dirt accumulated over the year, ensuring your space is cheerful and bright.

The bathroom is one of the most important rooms in your home – especially when it comes to hosting guests. Our holiday cleaning services include revitalizing surfaces and eliminating germs and stains from fixtures such as sinks and toilets. We’ll get floors, counters, and walls fresh and clean, giving your guests a positive impression throughout your house.

At Merry Maids of Central New Jersey, we understand each home is unique. That’s why we tailor our services to meet your specific needs. If you have any special requests, please let us know. We’re here to make your holidays as stress-free as possible. This holiday season, let us take care of your cleaning needs. Our experienced cleaning specialists will ensure your home is holiday-ready, giving you more time to focus on what matters: enjoying time with your loved ones.

Contact us today at (732) 385-8540 to schedule your holiday cleaning service and discover why so many homeowners trust us with their cleaning needs!

  • Base Hours: 2 - 5
  • Includes: Dusting, Mopping, Vacuuming, Windows
  • Merry Maids Recommends: Weekly or Bi-Weekly Cleaning

Let Life Shine Through

“A clean house does me more good than an hour with a psychiatrist.” - Ms. Henderson
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