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Specialty Cleaning Services in Monmouth County

Diverse Cleaning Services for Specific Needs

Cleaning your home might seem mundane, but it plays a vital role in maintaining your family's health and well-being. However, some areas in your house demand extra attention and care to ensure they are clean, well-organized, and eco-friendly. At Merry Maids of Monmouth and Ocean County, we offer specialty cleaning services that address these unique cleaning needs.

Our Comprehensive Specialty Services

We specialize in localized deep cleaning so that every corner of your home remains immaculate. Our services include:

Kitchen Appliance Cleaning

Your kitchen appliances bear the brunt of daily use, and eventually, they start accumulating grease, food stains, and bacteria. Our professional team uses safe and effective cleaning solutions to leave your kitchen appliances looking and smelling fresh. We remove any food residue or bacteria build-up inside and outside your appliances, including your refrigerator, oven, and microwave.

Interior Cabinet Cleaning

Over time, dust, dirt, and spilled food can accumulate inside your cabinets and drawers, making it difficult to maintain a clean and organized kitchen. Our trained cleaners will handle this tedious task by removing items from the cabinets, wiping them down, and re-organizing everything neatly. Say goodbye to cluttered and grubby cabinets!

Special Occasion Cleaning & Decluttering

If you have a special event or party coming up, you want everything to look pristine and beautiful. Our special occasion cleaning services ensure your home is sparkling clean before and after an event. We'll take care of larger tasks, like floors and windows while ensuring that every detail is perfect.

Clutter can make your home look messy and uninviting. Our decluttering services eliminate the excess stuff in your home, making it easier to keep everything clean and organized. We can help with cluttered garages, attics, and other spaces.

Dishwashing Service

Do you often end up with dirty dishes after hosting a party? Worry not; we offer a dishwashing service that removes all those dirty dishes while you sit back and relax. Our team uses high-quality, eco-friendly dishwashing detergent that removes tough stains and eliminates any bacteria and dirt lingering on your dishes.

Closet Organization

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of clutter in your closets? Do your shoes or clothes take up most of your closet space? We can help! Our closet organization service involves decluttering, categorizing, and organizing every item in your closet, making it easy to find what you need and keeping your wardrobe neat and tidy.

Wall Washing

Walls are often one of the most neglected parts of any home's cleaning routine, but they can accumulate dust, grime, or stains that are tough to remove. Our team uses specialized equipment and cleaning solutions to thoroughly wash your walls, leaving them spotless and free of markings.

Local Specialty Cleaning Solutions

Merry Maids of Monmouth and Ocean County takes pride in offering a comprehensive range of specialty cleaning services that cater to every corner of your home. Whether you need help with your appliances, cabinets, or walls, we're here to help. With our eco-friendly cleaning solutions that meet SaferChoice® standards, you can be confident that your home is spotless and safe for your family and pets.

Call (732) 490-6268 anytime to schedule a personalized cleaning plan that suits your needs!

  • Base Hours: 2 - 5
  • Includes: Dusting, Mopping, Vacuuming, Windows
  • Merry Maids Recommends: Weekly or Bi-Weekly Cleaning

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