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How Often To Clean Bathroom

Generally, routine bathroom cleaning in which you scrub the tub and shower walls should take place at least once a week. However, there are some parts of the bathroom that need to be addressed more frequently than every seven days.

Take a look at the following bathroom cleaning tips to get an idea of which parts of your bathroom need to be touched up in between weekly cleanings.

Bathroom cleaning guidelines

How often should you clean your bathroom? The frequency with which you clean in your bathroom will depend on how much your bathroom is used.

For instance, if you have four people in your home sharing one bathroom, you’ll have to clean the sink and toilet more often than someone who lives alone. The rule of thumb here is to use your best judgment.

Top tips for weekly bathroom tidying

There’s not much effort involved in keeping your bathroom tidy in between detailed cleanings. Here are a few quick ways to keep your porcelain pristine throughout the week.

Clean the toilet.

You probably want to clean your toilet once or twice a week because the it’s one of the most germ-ridden areas of the home. In fact, the waste in your toilet mixes with the flushing water and sends plumes of microbes into the air. These can land on toilet seats, lids and other surfaces. The toilet doesn’t always require a complete cleaning, however. Unless you start to see a ring in the toilet bowl, you can simply wipe down the seat and sides with a bleach wipe. Note: Do not flush that wipe unless you enjoy visits from the plumber.

If a ring has formed around your bowl, use these toilet cleaning ideas to help you tackle the problem.

Wipe the sink and mirror.

Over the course of a week, your sink and mirror will be subject to many sessions of tooth brushing and hair combing. Wipe hair off the sink with a piece of toilet paper each time you brush or style, and toss that in the trashcan rather than the toilet so that your hair doesn’t stop up the commode. If you notice excess toothpaste on the mirror or sink, wipe those away with a dry microfiber cloth so that they don’t harden before your next weekly bathroom cleaning.

Take out the trash.

Bathroom trashcans are typically small, which means they can fill up quickly if your bathroom sees a lot of traffic. Empty wastebaskets every few days so that they don’t spill over, covering your bathroom floor with floss and tissue. In addition, you may also want to consider lining your bathroom trash bin with a plastic grocery bag or bin liner so that hair and gunk don’t build up at the bottom of the container.

Change linen and do a quick sweep

Linen will need to be freshened every day or two in all bathrooms that are used frequently. Trade used bath and hand towels for the clean sets waiting in the linen closet. You may also want to wash your bathmat mid-week.

Unless there has been a bathroom catastrophe, there’s generally no need to mop in between your set cleaning days. However, the bathroom is a busy place, so you may want to sweep every few days to clean up any hair or rogue fingernail clippings that have fallen.

So how often should you clean your bathroom in between weekly housekeeping? As often as you need to. Use these bathroom tidying tips to get yourself into a solid bathroom maintenance routine and you’ll find your home’s bathrooms seem much fresher. In addition, it won’t take as long to complete a detailed bathroom cleaning when you tackle your regular housework.

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